

Chiba City, Chiba Pref.


Kousaka Kyousuke is an ordinary high school student living in Chiba, who has a bad relationship with his younger sister, Kirino. This popular sibling love comedy begins when one day Kyousuke was suddenly approached by Kirino for “life counseling”. She may appear to be a cheerful girl leading a fulfilling life, but actually she is obsessed with “otaku” hobbies. While trying to help his sister with her life counseling, Kyousuke meets people like Kuroneko and Saori through social media. Although Kyousuke became much more immersed into “otaku” culture due to the influence of these people, his relationship with his sister gradually improved.

Official Sitehttp://www.oreimo-anime.com/
Official Social Media AccountsX (Twitter)

Sightseeing Spot in This Area

In Chiba City, there are always different kinds of events and sports activities at places like Makuhari Messe and ZOZO Marine Stadium. There are also many historical spots such as Chiba Castle Ruins and Chiba Shrine, The Chiba Port Tower is popular for night viewing.
Chiba Park appears often in this title, with its particularly memorable views of the monorail soaring through the far side of the pond. At this pond in June, a large crowds gather to see the blooming of the world’s oldest flower — The Oga Lotus.
Speaking of Chiba, we must mention its famous product: “peanuts”. Recently, peanuts are being used in different desserts like peanut butter, peanut ice cream, and peanut dacquoise, and those become popular dessert dishes.

Japanese Anime 88-Spots Certification Plates & Memorial Stamp

Chiba Urban Monorail Entrance
1-1-1 Shinchiba,chuo-ku,Chiba-city.Chiba